CSTB team: Complex Systems and Translational Bioinformatics


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Team activities in 2024 | Previous years

Scientific highlights


24/01 : PhD thesis defense of Amani Abou-Rida, "Enhancing Detection and Explainability in Cybersecurity: A Shift from Machine Learning to Graph Learning.", supervised by Rabih Amhaz and Pierre Parrend
09/01 : Article “Impact of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) on society 5.0” accepted in 8th International Conference on Networks and Communications, Rabih Amhaz
29/01 : Project CZI (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards: "Moonlighting functions in neurodegenerative aaRSopathies", proposition rejected
05/01 : Article "Pathogenic missense variation in PABPC1L/EPAB causes female infertility due to oocyte maturation arrest at the germinal vesicle stage" Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (accepted in december) publishe on line (C. Mayer, K. Chennen)


21/12 : Submission of a project to the call "Approches interdisciplinaires des processus oncogéniques et perspectives thérapeutiques", ITMO Cancer (O. Lecompte, collaboration ICUBE/ LBP/ CRCM)
18/12 : Participation in the PhD jury of V Andriamanga - Université de Paris-Saclay (O. Lecompte)
19-20/12 : Participation in the annual general meeting of the Institut Francais de Bioinformatique (Julie Thompson)
14/12 : Participation in the PhD jury of Goran Bich - IGBMC (J. Thompson)
04/12 : Work meeting with Raphael Carapito and Raony Guimaraes (Centre de Recherche d'Immunologie et d'Hématologie) concerning a potential collaboration for multi-omic analyses and AI
01/12 : PhD thesis defense of Naser Ghannad, "Metaheuristics and machine learning algorithms for the inventive design problem-solving loop", supervised by Roland de Guio and Pierre Parrend


21/11 : Article "The MetaInvert soil invertebrate genome resource provides insights into below-ground biodiversity and evolution" (Collins et al.) accepted in Communications Biology
20/11 : Invited conference : Ethique et IA, Université Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chili, Pierre Collet
17/11 : Invited conference : Systèmes Complexes, Université Alberto Hurtado, Santiatgo du Chili, Pierre Collet
17/11 : Invited conference : Ethique et IA, Université Alberto Hurtado, Santiatgo du Chili, Pierre Collet
7/11 : PhD thesis defense of Hiba Khodji, "Apprentissage profond et transfert de connaissances pour la détection d’erreurs dans les séquences biologiques" supervised by Julie Thompson, Anne Jeannin-Girardon and Pierre Collet


30/10 : Move to new offices at Clovis Vincent
23/10 : Article "Temporal dynamics of the immune response in Astacus astacus challenged with Aphanomyces astaci" accepted in Fish and Shellfish Immunology (Boštjančić et al.)
20/10 : Thesis defense by Corentin Meyer, CNRS 80|PRIME "MYO-xIA : IA explicable pour la classification intégrée et la prédiction des myopathies congénitales" supervisors Olivier Poch, Pierre Collet
15/10 : Project X-KDEVS - eXplainable Knowledge-Enhanced DEVS Simulation for Complex Systems, JCJC ANR2024 submitted (Ali Ayadi)
10/10 : Ali Ayadi ajoined the scientific committee of RED (Réseau DEVS - Discrete Event System Specification).
09/10 : Submission of a junior professor chair (O. Lecompte)
02/10 : Start of Phd thesis by Quentin Rott (co-direction O. Lecompte, L. Choulier)


28/09 : Project "EN HOPE SMART4CBT : "East North-Hematology Oncology PEdiatric consortium : research program of Social sciences, Microenvironment & multiomics Analyses in RadioTherapy resistance For Children Brain Tumors" LABELLISE centre de recherche intégrée d’excellence en cancérologie pédiatrique (PEDIACRIEX23) par l'Institut National de Cancer - (K. Chennen, A. Kress, L. Poidevin, porteur ICube: O. Poch)
21/09 : Steering committee of Project RaReTIA : Artificial Intelligence for Rare Eye Genetic Diseases" - (K. Chennen, A. Kress, porteur ICube: O. Poch)
20/09 : Project CZI (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards: "Moonlighting functions in neurodegenerative aaRSopathies", passed the first round (11/08) and submission of final project (K. Chennen, A. Kress, C. Mayer, O. Poch, porteur : A. Ayadi)
5-8/09 : Participation at conference CrayfIT (Pavia, Italie) by Lena Bonassin, Christelle Rutz and Luka Bostjancic - Best presentation prize Luka Bostjancic
4-8/09 : Visite d'Ulviyya Abdulkarimova, maîtresse de conférence, membre associée de l'équipe CSTB, UFAZ French-Azerbaijani University
04/09 : Consortium agreeement signed fo the project "RaReTIA: Artificial Intelligence for Rare Eye Genetic Diseases" (K. Chennen, A. Kress, porteur ICube: O. Poch)
01/09 : Article "Modeling and simulation of the sars-cov-2 lung infection and immune response with cell-devs" accepted in Winter Simulation Conference 2023 (A. Ayadi et al.)
01/09 : Project Extreme Phenotpyes in Retinopathies, AAp Retina France submitted (K. Chennen, porteur ICube : O. Poch)
01/09 : Project EpiTarget in Glioma, AAP ERA-NET TransCan3 (Translational Cancer research) submitted (K. Chennen)
01/09 : Project Retina Rare Disease PartnerShip, AAP European Rare Diseases Research Alliance accepted (K. Chennen, Porteur ICube: O. Poch)


31/08 : Launch of « Innovations in Graph Theory », mathematical journal on graph theory and interactions with other domains. Journal follows the « Diamond open access » model : free for authors, free for readers.
14/08 : Obtention of thesis funding from IBM, on quantic algorithms by Léo Cheneau, supervisor P. Collet
12/08 : Article "Abundance and diversification of repetitive elements in Decapoda genomes" (C. Rutz et al.) accepted in Genes
11/08 : Project accepted in round 2 of Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards : 'Moonlight functions in neurodegenerative aaRsopathies', porteur Ali Ayadi


31/07 : Participation in thesis committee of Hosna Baniadam (EMBL) - O. Lecompte
12/07: Start of WP4 for the project ANR Correau (Détection d'attaque dans les réseaux d'eau) : leader ICube - P. Parrend
11/07 : Participation in thesis jury of Hrishikesh Dhondge, INRIA Nancy - J. Thompson
07/07 : Obtention of PhD funding (DS Life and Health) by Quentin Rott (co-supervisors L. Choulier and O. Lecompte)
03/07 : Participation by O. Lecompte in HDR jury of Catherine Mathé (Université Toulouse III)


10-12/05 : Participation at RESSI (Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information), M. Jaber, J. Michel, P. Parrend.
11/05 : Discrete mathematics seminaire : Spanning trees in regular graphs, KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, J.-S. Sereni.
12/05 : Publication of a document for the general public : 'Enseignement supérieur et désinformation: quel bilan dans les écoles d’ingénieur ?', in 'Lutte contre les manipulations de l’information: Regards croisés de spécialistes et d’acteurs du domaine' White paper from the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber, contribution from P. Parrend.


6/04 : Article accepted in Frontiers in Bioinformatics : Real or fake? Measuring the impact of protein annotation errors on estimates of domain gain and loss events, A. Kress et al. 2023
15/4 : Start of PhD thesis by Côme Frappé-Vialatoux, ANR project Correau (detection of attacks on water networks)
19/04 : Invited talk by P. Parrend : Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks, au Cyber CNI Lecture Series (TALK.cybercni.fr) which aims to raise awareness of cybersecurity issues among all audiences and to enable a permanent dialogue between industry and academic experts and the general public.
26/04 : "Best Paper Award" at the conference Complex Computational Ecosystems 2023, Baku : "Metrics for Evaluating Interface Explainability Models for Cyberattack Detection in IoT Data”, Amani Abou Rida


6/03 : Submission of a co-supervised thesis between Laurence Choulier (Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies, UMR7021) and Odile Lecompte
6/03 : Submission of a co-supervised thesis betweene Jean Louis Mandel (IGBMC) and Julie Thompson
13/03 : Presentation at the first working group meeting "Aspects Computationnels de l'Éthique" (GDR RADIA) at LIP6, Paris : "Éléments d'épistémologie et d'éthique des systèmes d’apprentissage automatique", Anne Jeannin-Girardon
14/03 : Submission of a project SMART4CBT (Sciences sociales, Microenvironnement & analyses multiomiques dans la résistance au RadioThérapie dans les tumeurs cérébrales de l'enfant) pour la création d'un Centre de Recherche Intégrée Nord-Est en Oncopédiatrie (National AAP INCA), Olivier Poch
15/03 : Meeting with members of SATT CONECTUS concerning valorisation of tools developed by CSTB and BiGEst-ICube, Olivier Poch, Arnaud Kress/Luc Mouliner
26/03 : Submission of the plan for the new Bioinformatics and Structural Bioimaging course of the Strasbourg Master in Life Sciences (co-head : O. Lecompte)
27-31/03 : Presentation of J.-S. Sereni at the online symposium « χ-boundedness », in the context of the network A Sparse (Graphs) Coalition
29/03 : Article published in Journal of Fungi : C. Mayer et al. CeGAL: Redefining a Widespread Fungal-Specific Transcription Factor Family Using an In Silico Error-Tracking Approach


02/02 : Work meeting with Emmanuelle Leize (Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse des Interactions et des Systèmes) to discuss a collaboration on the use of AI approaches in proteomics. J. Thompson, K. Chennen.
02-03/02 : Participation of Dorine Merlat at the conference Omics Days 2023 (Montpellier)
8/02 : Participation in mentoring circle (O. Lecompte)


09/01 : Invited talk by D. Merlat - ERGA Annotation Committee
11/01: intervention at conference Artificial Intelligence at ESBS : "Intelligence artificielle, éthique et santé" (A. Jeannin-Girardon) 12/01: Participation at Journées des Universités (O. Lecompte)
23-25/01 : Presentation of a poster at ALPHY meeting (Grenoble) by Dorine Merlat


04-08/04 : Visit by J. Volec (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic).

Doctoral students

03/05 : Individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) for Alix Simon, supervisors J. Thompson and J. Laporte (IGBMC)
16/05 : Individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) for Luka Boštjančić, supervisors O. Lecompte et K. Theissinger (LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics, Frankfurt)
30/05 : Individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) for Christelle Rutz, supervisor O. Lecompte
31/05 : Individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) for Nicolas Haas, supervisor O. Poch


15/03 : Start of M1 internship by Burak Arti, M1 BSIB, supervised by Julie Thompson and Laetitia Poidevin
15/03 : Start of M1 internship by Julien Schaffer, M1 BSIB, supervised by Julie Thompson and Kirsley Chennen
15/03 : Start of M1 internship by Dehelia Chettouf, M1 BSIB, supervised by Claudine Mayer, Kirsley Chennen and Olivier Poch
15/03 : Start of M1 internship by Migena Bejko, M1 BSIB, supervised by Kirsley Chennen, Claudine Mayer and Olivier Poch
15/03 : Start of M1 internship by Deborah Antonio, M1 BSIB, supervised by Claudine Mayer and Olivier Poch

27/02 : Start of M1 internship by Fazil Mammadov, UFAZ, Baku, supervised by Rabih Amhaz

15/01 : Start of M2 internship by Lucille Herbay (Science de la vie, biologie moléculaire) supervised by Julie Thompson, Arnaud Kress

Administrative activities

9/02 : Meeting of workgroup RDA Unistra (J. Thompson, Paulette Lieby)
10/02 : Steering committee Science Ouverte de l'Unistra (J. Thompson)

20/01 : Meeting to organise the new master Unistra in bioinformatics and structural bioimaging, for 2024 (O. Lecompte, J. Thompson)
23/01 : RDA organisational assembly (J. Thompson)


7/02 : First session of a training course on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Homophobia
21/03 : Second session of a training course on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Homophobia

Team life

Team meetings

(*) Every Tuesday 13h30 to 15h30
1st Tuesday of the month : Reports of members A-G
2nd Tuesday of the month : Reports of members H-N
3rd Tuesday of the month : Reports of members O-Z
4th Tuesday of the month : Meeting for permanent members

Each Thursday at 14h00 : Presentations of trainees/students followed by questions (2 to 3 presentations of 12 min for trainees and 1st and 2nd year PhD students, 20 min for 3rd year PhD students).

23/02 : (*) Meeting to discuss the organisation of the presentations

13/04 : (*) Session "Jeun's" Presentation by Arnaud Kress
06/04 : (*) Session "Jeun's" Presentation by Ihsane Errami
30/03 : (*) Session "Jeun's" Presentation by Corentin Meyer
23/03 : (*) Session "Jeun's" Presentation by Deborah Antonio, Burak Arti, Migena Bejko, Dehelia Chettouf and Julien Schaffer
16/03 : (*) Session "Jeun's" Presentation by Anne Jeannin-Girardon et Hiba Khodji